20th International Conference on
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It is said that a city can also be described through its panorama, colors, perfumes, objects, or even an idea. It is precisely those nuances, intangible and temporary, that sometimes turn into unforgettable memories.

Over the centuries, the magic of Rome has been masterly told by poets and writers and wonderfully depicted in the works of great artists. Eternal and mysterious, the Capital envelops those who arrive in a pleasant "sickness of Rome" that does not abandon. It is no coincidence that millions of tourists hurry to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain with the hope of returning to visit it: because in Rome, remembering Goethe's words, everything is as we imagined it, and everything is new.

What you can See

The city of Rome is an open-air museum, with historical landmarks scattered all over the city.

The five most visited monuments in Rome are unmissable and, absolutely, you cannot avoid them during your first visit to the Eternal City:

For additional touristic info, you can refer to the official https://www.turismoroma.it/en website.